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Scanning Issues

Scan is skipping all platforms/ends instantly

There are a few common reasons why a scan may end instantly/without scanning platforms

  • Badly mounted library: verify that you mounted your ROMs folder at /romm/library
  • Incorrect permissions: the app needs to read the files and folders in your library, check their permissions with ls -lh
  • Invalid folder structure: verify that your folder structure matches the one in the README

ROMs not found for platform X, check romm folder structure

This is the same issue as the one above, and can be quickly solved by verifying your folder structure. RomM expects a library with a folder named roms in it, for example:

  • /server/media/library:/romm/library
  • /server/media/games/roms:/romm/library/roms

Scan does not recognize a platform

When scanning the folders mounted in /library/roms, the scanner tries to match the folder name with the platform's slug in IGDB. If you notice that the scanner isn't detecting a platform, verify that the folder name matches the slug in the URL of the platform in IGDB. For example, the Nintendo 64DD has the URL, so the folder should be named nintendo-64dd.

Scan times out after ~4 hours

The background scan task times out after 4 hours, which can happen if you have a very large library. The easiest work around is to keep running scans every 4 hours, without checking the "Complete re-scan" option.